Saturday 2 March 2013

Pelvis and Perineum.

Short Essay Questions.

Q.Write a brief note on pelvic diaphragm.

A.Pelvic diaphragm  is a gutter shaped sheet of muscles formed by the levatores anu and coccygeus muscles and their covering fascia.From their origin,the muscle fibres on the two sides slope downward and backward to the mid line,producing a gutter that sloped downward and forward.

It is incomplete anteriorly to allow for the passage of urethra in males and vagina in females.

Q.Write the contents of deep perineal pouch in males.

A.The contents of deep perineal pouch in males are:-

  1. Membranous part of urethra
  2. sphincter urethra 
  3. bulbourethral glands
  4. deep transverse perineal muscles
  5. internal pudendal vessels and their branches
  6. dorsal nerves of the penis

Q.Write the contents of deep perineal pouch in females.

A. The contents of deep perineal pouch in females are :-

  1. Part of urethra
  2. part of vagina
  3. sphincter urethrae 
  4. deep transverse perineal muscles
  5. internal pudendal vessels and their branches
  6. dorsal nerves of clitoris